Виртуальный Владимир » Город Владимир » Old Russian Towns » Suzdal » Historic buildings » Holy Gates Виртуальный Владимир
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Город Владимир
Путешествие по древним городам Владимирской земли
Старый Владимир
Old Russian Towns
Памятники архитектуры
Музеи, экспозиции
Город Суздаль
История Суздаля
Герб суздаля
Архитектура Суздаля
Музеи Суздаля
Досуг и развлечения
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Где поесть в Суздале
Где поспать в Суздале
Что можно посмотреть в Суздале

On the way to the Cathedral of the Nativity
Cathedral of the Nativity
Archbishops palace and bell-tower
Church of St. Nicholas
Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb
Monastery of St. Dmitri
Church of St. Nicholas
Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian
Church of the Sign
market place
Church of John the Baptist
Church of the Entry into Jerusalem
Gostiny Dvor
Church of the Resurrection
Church oi the Emperor Constantino
Church of St. Lazarus
Convent of the Deposition of the Robe
Holy Gates
Cathedral of the Deposition of the Robe
Trinity Cathedral
Monastery of St. Alexander
brick kiln
Church of Tanners Settlement
Church of Our Lady of Tikhvin
Church of St. Peter and St. Paul
Convent ot the Intercession
Church of the Conception
Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery
Cathedral oi the Transfiguration
Church of Our Lady of Smolensk
17th century house
Monastery of St. Basil
Yuri Dolgorukys castle
Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb

We have an excellent example of their work in the convent's magnificent Holy Gates built in 1688. Their white facade has two broad entrances varying in shape and size. The arch of the larger entrance is almost semi-circular whereas the other one is shallower. The abutments are decorated with cornices like pillars. A staircase set in the wall leads up to a small chamber above the vaulted ceiling. The facade is decorated with deeply recessed niches lined inside with coloured tiles and the central icon niche above the lower arch is of similar design. The top of the facade is decorated with a band of tiles in square frames and an indented cornice. We find the same ornamental motifs used on the short octagonal bases of the towers, which also have small windows. On the left-hand tower these are set in plain niches but on the right they have decorative surrounds accentuating the importance of this tower which stood over the main entrance. The link between these tent-shaped gate towers and the tent-shaped belfries of the town churches is emphasised by the imitation brick win­dows. The building as a whole is very fine.


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