Виртуальный Владимир » Город Владимир » Old Russian Towns » Suzdal » Historic buildings » Church of John the Baptist Виртуальный Владимир
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Город Владимир
Путешествие по древним городам Владимирской земли
Старый Владимир
Old Russian Towns
Памятники архитектуры
Музеи, экспозиции
Город Суздаль
История Суздаля
Герб суздаля
Архитектура Суздаля
Музеи Суздаля
Досуг и развлечения
Где поесть во Владимире
Где поспать во Владимире
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Где поесть в Суздале
Где поспать в Суздале
Что можно посмотреть в Суздале

On the way to the Cathedral of the Nativity
Cathedral of the Nativity
Archbishops palace and bell-tower
Church of St. Nicholas
Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb
Monastery of St. Dmitri
Church of St. Nicholas
Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian
Church of the Sign
market place
Church of John the Baptist
Church of the Entry into Jerusalem
Gostiny Dvor
Church of the Resurrection
Church oi the Emperor Constantino
Church of St. Lazarus
Convent of the Deposition of the Robe
Holy Gates
Cathedral of the Deposition of the Robe
Trinity Cathedral
Monastery of St. Alexander
brick kiln
Church of Tanners Settlement
Church of Our Lady of Tikhvin
Church of St. Peter and St. Paul
Convent ot the Intercession
Church of the Conception
Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery
Cathedral oi the Transfiguration
Church of Our Lady of Smolensk
17th century house
Monastery of St. Basil
Yuri Dolgorukys castle
Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb

On the left-hand side as you leave the Vladimir road there is the Church of John the Baptist (111. 75) which stands on the site of an old wooden tent-shaped church right on the edge of the moat round the kremlin. The present church was built in 1720 at the same time as the Church of St. Nicholas in the kremlin and yet they are completely different in character. It too consists of a bell-tower to the west, a narthex-type refectory and then the main body of the church, but the total effect is ex­tremely impressive, almost austere. The cube-shaped body of the church with pilaster strips on the corners, which give the effect of the vertical boarding used to cover the ends of logs in wooden buildings, is very reminiscent of the simple, rectangular type of wooden churches of the seventeenth century. The walls have no cornices and end with the horizontal line of the hipped roof. The window surrounds are also restrained. The building has a defi­nite touch of the Novgorod and Pskov schools, an im­pression which is heightened by the austere bell-tower. The base of the tower resting on two strong pillars forms the church porch, similar to the one which we saw in the bell-tower of St. Nicholas at the Galleys in Vladimir. Like the church itself, the corners of the upper section of the bell-tower's square base are decorated with pilas­ter strips. Its simple form is emphasised by dark small windows. The square base supports a comparatively short octagon with the bell-tier and a number of slender half columns which contrast with the overall severeness of line. The tent-shaped steeple has straight sides slop­ing at a gradient of 1:2 with tiny slit windows. The architect clearly preferred laconic architectural lines to rich decoration, although the magnificent portal of curved brick was evidently the work of a craftsman with a keen appreciation of ornament. Standing under the vaults of the porch in a fine interplay of light and shadow the portal enhances the dignified simplicity of the building as a whole.


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