Виртуальный Владимир » Город Владимир » Old Russian Towns » Suzdal » Historic buildings » Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb Виртуальный Владимир
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Город Владимир
Путешествие по древним городам Владимирской земли
Старый Владимир
Old Russian Towns
Памятники архитектуры
Музеи, экспозиции
Город Суздаль
История Суздаля
Герб суздаля
Архитектура Суздаля
Музеи Суздаля
Досуг и развлечения
Где поесть во Владимире
Где поспать во Владимире
Что можно посмотреть во Владимире
Где поесть в Суздале
Где поспать в Суздале
Что можно посмотреть в Суздале

On the way to the Cathedral of the Nativity
Cathedral of the Nativity
Archbishops palace and bell-tower
Church of St. Nicholas
Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb
Monastery of St. Dmitri
Church of St. Nicholas
Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian
Church of the Sign
market place
Church of John the Baptist
Church of the Entry into Jerusalem
Gostiny Dvor
Church of the Resurrection
Church oi the Emperor Constantino
Church of St. Lazarus
Convent of the Deposition of the Robe
Holy Gates
Cathedral of the Deposition of the Robe
Trinity Cathedral
Monastery of St. Alexander
brick kiln
Church of Tanners Settlement
Church of Our Lady of Tikhvin
Church of St. Peter and St. Paul
Convent ot the Intercession
Church of the Conception
Spaso-Yevfimiev Monastery
Cathedral oi the Transfiguration
Church of Our Lady of Smolensk
17th century house
Monastery of St. Basil
Yuri Dolgorukys castle
Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb

Further west on the top of the right bank is the gleaming white Church of Our Lady of Tikhvin which stands on the site of the old St. Andrew Monastery. All these different buildings give the town a fascinating out­line.

Proceeding along the western ramparts we see a small lake down below on the left, the remains of the artificial moat. Across the river on Ivanova Hill is the half-ruined Church of the Prophet Elijah built in 1744 on the spot where there was a seventeenth-century settlement of the Metropolitan's bobyli, a type of recluse.

Further left, still on the right bank of the Kamenka and nearer to the corner of the kremlin, there was once the Monastery of St. Boris and St. Gleb founded before the sixteenth century. The stone Church oi St. Boris and St. Gleb now stands on this spot, restored by Alexei Var-ganov in 1961. It is the only building in Suzdal which shows a fairly strong influence of Russian seventeenth-and eighteenth-century Baroque architecture. The gen­eral composition and volute motif of the bell-tower are similar to those on the bell-tower of the Church of St. Ni-cetas in Vladimir, but the church itself, an octa­gon on a square base, resembles the Church of St. Nicholas at the Galleys. However the Suzdal church differs from both these buildings by virtue of its greater simplicity and powerful, expressive lines. Its propor­tions create an impression of strength and the decora­tion, which stands out clearly against the background of the red walls, is extremely rich and plastic. The cornice on the main octagon is particularly fine, combining ele­gance and sumptuousness.


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